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How I Met Your Mother (Ritmo USA)

Iniciado por Mskina, 23 de Septiembre de 2008, 16:18

0 Miembros y 3 Visitantes están viendo este tema.

Poison Gilr

Denn die Todten reiten schnell

Ningüino CDR-lar

Cita de: Calabria en 01 de Abril de 2014, 21:14
Al próximo que oiga decir que esto es "el nuevo friends" lo rajo.
Yo dije eso durante las primeras 2-3 temporadas. Y me retracto, porque al volver a verlas pierden bastante más, pero quien lo diga ahora es que no sabe de lo que habla :huh: .
Cita de: Orestes en 28 de Junio de 2012, 02:47
Hay partes del comportamiento de los bonobos que molan y otras que no molan tanto. Como pasa con la Biblia.

Cita de: Aliena en 08 de Agosto de 2008, 00:38
Hoijan, a follar al parque.

Cita de: Mime en 26 de Enero de 2012, 20:33
Los trapos sucios se limpian en casa  X(


Hombre, vistas de un tirón no sé porque no lo he hecho, pero el final fue mucho más digno.

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Personalmente me gustan más pas primeras temporadas de himym que la serie friends completa. Pero es cuestión de gustos.
El problema lo tienes cuando tienes que hacer mil temporadas no previstas.

Y en cuanto al final no lo he visto. Pero por lo que he leído no me parece nada raro y bastante previsible. Yo mismo sin haber visto más allá de la quinta temporada dije que la madre moriría.
Y lo de Robin. Pues bueno. ¿Porqué no?
I am not under any orders to make the world a better place.


Yo habría acabado con el "And that, kids, is how I met your mother" y todos hubieramos dicho "Hooraaaay" (con mejores o peores connotaciones a lo "por fin se acaba" o "qué final más cuqui"). Pero no, tenían que meter el epiloguito. uhm

Para mí el final destroza toda la dinámica de la serie. Evolución, cambios y tal, y luego volvemos a 2005 de un golpe. Pueh meh.

Mr Winters

Cita de: Idunne en 01 de Abril de 2014, 23:11
Yo habría acabado con el "And that, kids, is how I met your mother" y todos hubieramos dicho "Hooraaaay" (con mejores o peores connotaciones a lo "por fin se acaba" o "qué final más cuqui"). Pero no, tenían que meter el epiloguito. uhm

Para mí el final destroza toda la dinámica de la serie. Evolución, cambios y tal, y luego volvemos a 2005 de un golpe. Pueh meh.

My thoughts exactly.

Ahora imaginad que era todo una broma de April Fools adelantada :lol:

Poison Gilr

Imaginad que entonces los matamos a todos X(

Edit. Also pelucas horribles.

Denn die Todten reiten schnell

Poison Gilr

Ted leaves in the fucking middle of the goddamn wedding reception because he "has to move" and then he doesn't move.

He was the best man and he leaves in the middle of the wedding reception and makes all of his friends say goodbye to him with tears running down their faces like candle wax because he was planning to move to Chicago the next day for a dream job, except then he doesn't move because he meets a cute girl on a train platform who he could have met at the fucking wedding he insisted on leaving because she was in the goddamn wedding band. After emotionally and ceremonially saying goodbye to Ted, Marshall and Lily see him the next day in the bar where they always hang out and he's like *SHRUG* and everyone is just okay with it because they're all so fucking emotionally invested in Ted's penis finding a home.

The whole ninth season was centered around Barney and Robin's wedding and then in the final episode of the ninth season, Barney and Robin get divorced. During the same episode as the one that featured their wedding reception.

As some fans on social media pointed out, fans had years to grow fond of the Robin/Barney pairing and the Robin/Ted pairing. But only a few fleeting minutes to fall in love with The Mother and Ted pairing. And then, following that, only a few minutes to get over losing The Mother before it was back to Robin again.

Oh yeah by the way, that macabre fan theory that The Mother has been dead this whole time turned out to be fucking true.

We don't know how she died, but we do know that she died when her two children were relatively young.

We also know that the show took approximately two beats to convey this. It was brutally quick. It was Red Wedding sudden. La la la la we find out The Mother's name is Tracy. La la la, Tracy gets sick and then that's fucking it. Now suddenly we're in the living room and it's the year 2030 and Ted somehow magically does not have the voice of Bob Saget and his kids are giving him dating advice and reminding him that his wife has been dead for six years. For them she's been dead for six years. For us, she's been dead for six seconds.

The whole damn show was just a framing device for a widower to tell his kids that he'd pretty much wanted to nail his ex the whole time.

And at the end of the show, Future Ted is encouraged by his kids to go on ahead and try to date Future Robin, successful international news anchor, and her weird bob wig. Future Robin still lives in the same apartment in Brooklyn with the same number of enormous dogs, which cannot possibly be the same dogs unless they're genetically modified super dogs with unnaturally long life spans. And Ted's always been in love with her. So basically, The Mother was the woman Ted hung out with for a few years until she died, freeing Ted to seek out the company of the love of his life, Robin. Who, devoted watchers of the show might recall, is unable to have children. Ted really ends up having it all!

Come to think of it, are we sure that Ted Mosby didn't murder The Mother? (We're pretty sure.)

Meanwhile, the supporting cast was doin' stuff.

Lily and Marshall had another baby, and Lily's wigs became more and more outrageous as her wardrobe became more Ann Taylor and less Anthropologie. She also started wearing more baubles on her necklaces.

Barney, in the meantime, went back to slutting around the Upper West Side, a neighborhood the show continues to insist has a vibrant singles scene and will continue to have one well beyond the present day. Barney's cock rampage continues until one day, at the end of a long month of one night stands, when he impregnates one of his conquests. We never see who she is. Maybe it doesn't matter. Regardless, she gives birth to a baby girl and Barney, in a moment of magical personal transformation, suddenly turns into one of those former scummy guys who have daughters and then spend the rest of their lives terrified that men treats women as disrespectfully as he does. He and Robin are cool, kind of. Maybe.

Oh, and Marshall becomes a judge. I medium cared.

The episode ends with an identical shot from the pilot, with Grey Haired Old Ted standing outside of Weird Wig Future Robin's Brooklyn apartment, hoisting a blue French horn aloft.


Traslation: Lo que todos estamos pensando.

Denn die Todten reiten schnell


Acabo de ver los dos últimos capítulos, nunca me ha hecho mucha gracia esta serie, sólo he visto los capítulos sueltos que me encontraba en la tele al merendar.
Si de una serie que tiene más de 200 capítulos yo no he visto más de 20, veo el útimo capítulo y me entero de todo... es que es una mierda de serie.


Cita de: Wind_Master en 15 de Mayo de 2011, 21:46
Estoy con Sertorio jugando al LOL, que tengo más vida, ¿vale?
Cita de: Khram Cuervo Errante en 20 de Septiembre de 2011, 19:12

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