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Envidio a Cataluña

Iniciado por TitoHarris, 17 de Septiembre de 2012, 09:54

0 Miembros y 2 Visitantes están viendo este tema.


I am not under any orders to make the world a better place.

Khram Cuervo Errante

Mas, dejando claras sus intenciones: que le hagan mimitos.

Vamos, que la independencia se la suda, que lo que quería era más pasta y punto.

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Cita de: Khram Cuervo Errante en 06 de Noviembre de 2012, 20:55

Mas, dejando claras sus intenciones: que le hagan mimitos.

Vamos, que la independencia se la suda, que lo que quería era más pasta y punto.


A partir de ahora colgaré cuestiones más bien informativas.

Joaquín Almunia dijo hace 1-2 días que existían más de 2.000 opciones de veto para evitar la entrada de Catalunya en la UE.

En otro sentido, acabo de encontrar un vídeo corto pero interesante. Es de un ciudadano americano, de Nueva York. Se titula "A trip to Barcelona": A trip to Barcelona by Sharif (subtitulat en català)

A trip to Barcelona by Sharif (subtitulat en català)
Cita de: Vandemar en 30 de Octubre de 2012, 18:06
Watta, en serio, ya te lo digo claro.

No va a haber referendum.


La última de hoy...

Catalonia Wants to Leave Spain, Stay in EU (Wall Street Journal):

On a day German Chancellor Merkel was in town and the European Commission released a new dreary outlook for the European economy, it may be surprising that the little-known head of a regional government could draw a crowd in Brussels. But as the president of the Spanish region of Catalonia, Artur Mas managed to dip into one of the topics du jour in the European Union capital: Just like many people in Scotland and Flanders, Mr. Mas wants Catalonia to split from the nation state that has long been its home and determine its own political, cultural, and economic destiny.

But unlike the more than a million demonstrators that took to Barcelona's streets in September, Mr. Mas doesn't use the word "independence." Instead, he's lobbying for Catalonia, one of Spain's wealthiest regions, to become "its own state within the framework of the European Union." Catalonia will hold snap elections on Nov. 25, which Mr. Mas hopes will give the necessary momentum for a referendum or consultation over the region's future within the next four years.

Speaking to a large room full of Brusselites (and television cameras) on Wednesday, Mr. Mas stressed that Catalonia was lagging far behind Scotland on the path to autonomy. There's no support for his efforts from the central government in Madrid, let alone a deadline or a question for a possible referendum. In fact, Spain's constitution specifically forbids secession.

Even more problematically, the idea of any seceding country to become its own state within the EU isn't easily realized. The dominant canon on EU law says that any new state will need unanimous support from all existing member states to join the bloc—handing Madrid a powerful veto against Mr. Mas's plan. Until not long ago, that's also how officials at the commission, the EU's executive, described the process that would follow secession.

But in recent weeks, officials have moderated their statements, saying that the commission would only express a view when confronted with a specific scenario. Some legal experts, meanwhile, have pointed out that EU law prohibits depriving people of their EU citizenship, which might give seceding regions a case for membership.

Another question is why Catalonia, according to Mr. Mas a proud "net contributor" to the EU budget, would feel so much better about sending money to other European regions when it wants to leave Spain partly because of the transfers it has to make to the government in Madrid. The Catalonian president said he shared Commission President José Manuel Barroso's vision of a "more federal" Europe, where states cede more sovereignty to European institutions.

"Catalonia would like to be one of the single and normal states of that federation," he said. Such a federal Europe would leave Catalonia with less power than an independent state, but, Mr. Mas stressed, "more power than we have today."

Whether Mr. Barroso and other European federalists will be happy about Mr. Mas's endorsement, however, is questionable. The Catalonian president dodged questions on who his friends and supporters were in Europe. Even contacts with Scotland, he conceded, are currently limited to political parties and has no plans to meet Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond any time soon.
Cita de: Vandemar en 30 de Octubre de 2012, 18:06
Watta, en serio, ya te lo digo claro.

No va a haber referendum.


Watta, como Mas no se independice tras ganar las elecciones te vas a convertir en un agujero blanco de vergüenza ajena. Sólo diciendo.
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Cita de: Aserercoff en 07 de Noviembre de 2012, 21:33
Watta, como Mas no se independice tras ganar las elecciones te vas a convertir en un agujero blanco de vergüenza ajena. Sólo diciendo.
Dale tregua al chaval hombre :drug:


Whether Mr. Barroso and other European federalists will be happy about Mr. Mas's endorsement, however, is questionable. The Catalonian president dodged questions on who his friends and supporters were in Europe. Even contacts with Scotland, he conceded, are currently limited to political parties and has no plans to meet Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond any time soon.


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Liga ociosa de supervillanos matagatitos.


Hombre, una cosa hay que reconocerle a Mas. Metiendo la pata es Dios... A falta de ideas propias ha resucitado el plebiscito del sarre lo mas cerca del lugar que ha podido (me veo a Hollande y a Merkel pidiendo agua...)


Mas no descarta convertir la consulta en unas elecciones plebiscitarias:

Aserercoff, a mí me parece muy bien que tu vivas condicionado a lo que los demás piensan y digan de ti. Pero no pretendas que todos vayamos a vivir así.
Cita de: Vandemar en 30 de Octubre de 2012, 18:06
Watta, en serio, ya te lo digo claro.

No va a haber referendum.

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